Posture Correction

If you have poor posture, Dr. Kristian Mendyk and Dr. Derick Lajom at Mendyk Chiropractic of Perris and Moreno Valley, CA, offer natural posture correction.

Guide to Posture: How It Affects You and How a Chiropractor Can Help

Posture isn’t just about sitting up and looking nice. It plays a role in your health and well-being. Below, Dr. Mendyk, Dr. Lajom, and the team at Mendyk Chiropractic of Perris and Moreno Valley, CA, explain the effects of poor posture and how visiting a chiropractor for posture correction can help.

Basics of Posture

Everything in your body has a specific place and role to play. This includes the spinal bones. Each stacks neatly on top of one another.

Between these bones are your discs. Your spinal cord, which houses nerves that control your body, travels through a hollow space within the vertebrae. Surrounding the bones are various muscles, tendons, and ligaments. And you have several vital organs on the periphery of these spinal components.

Proper posture helps keep the bones stacked properly, which allows everything around them to function properly. Poor posture, however, puts undue stress on the spinal column components, which can lead to tension, nerve compression, and more. Additionally, it can lead to your organs, such as your lungs, being compressed, which can impact your overall health.

As it has such an effect on the body, poor posture can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Back and neck pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Poor nerve and organ function
  • Balance issues
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Poor digestion

These are just a few symptoms, but poor posture can wreak havoc on your general health and wellbeing. Additionally, the longer it goes uncorrected, the more likely the chance of it creating other issues, such as herniated discs and chronic health issues.

Chiropractic Care for Correcting Posture

How a person’s posture is corrected will depend on their specific needs and lifestyle factors, as not everyone is the same. Your chiropractor will gather information about your symptoms and any factors that contribute to your posture issues. They’ll then combine techniques such as the following to correct them.

  • Adjustments: Restoring alignment to the spine is essential.
  • Soft tissue therapy: Massage and other techniques help relieve tension and enable the healing of damaged tissues.
  • Therapeutic exercises: Targeted exercises stretch soft tissues and improve your spine’s support muscles.
  • Lifestyle adjustments: You’ll receive personalized guidance for steps to take at home and work.

Learn more about posture correction by visiting Dr. Mendyk and Dr. Lajom at Mendyk Chiropractic. Schedule an appointment with our Perris, CA office at (951) 943-1722 or our Moreno Valley, CA, office at (951) 697-0246.

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